
Why Ezekiel Bread?

My everyday go to food is avocado toast. Some days it’s my breakfast, some days it’s my afternoon snack, some days when I don’t feel like cooking it’s my dinner. One way or another at least once a day I eat 2 slices of bread and in between I smoosh a ripe avocado, put sliced tomatoes, some arugula and “everything bagel” seasoning… LOVEEE!

Avocados are healthy, they have tons of fiber and healthy fats, and more potassium than bananas. Tomatoes are major antioxidants, and great source of vitamin C, potassium and vitamin K.

What about bread? You have to be picky which bread you choose. That’s why my go to bread is Ezekiel bread. Ezekiel bread is made from a variety of whole grains and legumes that have started germinating. In contrast to white bread, Ezekiel bread doesn’t contain any added sugar and it is much richer in fiber and nutrients and much lower in carbs.

Ezekiel bread also has a lower glycemic index compared to white bread.

What’s glycemic index and why is that important in our diets?

Glycemic index is a number that indicates how rapidly the body digests particular types of food, and converts it into blood sugar (glucose). That’s why low glycemic index carbs don’t cause spikes in our blood sugar and keep us full for much longer periods of time. (So, in short, low glycemic index number is good; high is bad). For example, white bread has a glycemic index number of 75, and Ezekiel bread is less than half that at 36. See the link below for some more examples if you are curious.

A friendly tip: Store Ezekiel bread in your freezer instead of your pantry in order to prevent molding. There are no artificial preservatives in the bread, therefore it spoils easily (that’s what happens to natural foods). Just pop it in the toaster when you are ready to enjoy and its ready to go!

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