

My nighttime routine takes several hours.  Yes, you heard it right, HOURS!  First step is always warm shower and skin care.  As soon as I come home and I know that I won’t be leaving the house for the rest of the evening I clean my face, apply all my super serums and let my skin to start the healing process.  This also gives my skin some time to absorb the goodies between the products.  

Another good habit is to avoid alcohol and caffeine as much as possible.  I drink my coffee in the morning hours, but after noon I stop drinking coffee and focus on my water intake.  As for alcohol, if you know me you know that I love my red wine.  And most nights I usually have a “couple” of glasses with dinner.   That being said, I have been trying to cut back and some nights I skip the wine, and on those nights I sleep much more peacefully throughout the night and feel that much more refreshed in the morning.  Same thing for dinner.  If I eat a light meal such as an avocado toast or a chicken salad 3-4 hours before bedtime (instead of eating a full meal right before bed) it gives me time to digest and I don’t  go to bed with a full tummy.  

Once I am in bed I make sure to have my humidifier right next to me on my bedside table.  I am a big believer in sleeping with a good humidifier.  Sleep time is also our skin’s time to heal itself.  I apply my Skin Ceuticals Hyaluronic acid right before bed (don’t worry, it doesn’t burn despite the scary name), which helps my skin absorb the moisture from the mist of the humidifier throughout the night.  This is a perfect combo to keep the skin nice and hydrated and wake up in the morning with a dewy young-looking skin.  

Another must have for me is a good book.  I read my books on a Kindle.  With the Kindle, you can adjust the lighting to avoid the need for a bright bedside light and if you are sharing your bedroom with a partner, he/she won’t get bothered by your light.  A good book helps me to wind down and clear out my brain as I drift to a deep, uninterrupted sleep.  

Lately I have another obsession in my bedroom: Red LED light.  Research shows that red light at night is very beneficial for both the mind and body.  Commonly used blue light, which is the kind of light emitted by our cell phones and energy-efficient light bulbs, have a terrible effect on our sleeping habits.  That’s why it’s best to put our cell phones away at night and to keep the TV out of the bedroom.  Red light, on the other hand, creates a warm, relaxing atmosphere (and as an additional plus, it’s very sexy).  Definitely worth a try 🙂 

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