
Is It Possible To Eat Healthy In A Restaurant?

This is a very loaded question. Many people who are on a weight loss diet try to avoid eating out. But there is a big social (actually anti-social) impact to not going out. Being on a diet usually becomes the equivalent of “its the end of my social life”. But does it really need to be like that? Can we eat a healthy meal with our loved ones in a restaurant and still be on track?

My answer is 70% yes, 30% no.

I say 70% yes, because you can totally select a healthy meal in any given restaurant. My rule is “eat the ingredients“. What do I mean? I don’t order complicated, saucy meals with long names. Rule of thumb is the more time me or the chef spends preparing the food, the more Unhealthy the food becomes. Take a moment, and think about that statement. Try to come up with examples of meals that requires a lot of time to prepare and yet are still healthy (and please do share with me if you can think of any). Health coaches and dietitians always recommend to shop in the perimeter of a grocery store, as that’s where you’ll find “real” foods. Your produce, meat, poultry, seafood and eggs are all nicely and colorfully lined up around the perimeter. Once you go between the aisles, though, you start to find factory manufactured, colorfully boxed stuff with loooong expiration dates. Now, apply the same mentality to your restaurant menu. Try to pick from the perimeter. Choose a good garden salad with dressing on the side, pick delicious yummy oysters or a beef carpaccio as an appetizer for example. But, avoid that crab cake, or stuffed clams, or eggplant rollatini. Same rule for entree & sides. Remember eat the ingredients. Stick with grilled branzino w/a side of spinach (not creamy spinach), or roasted chicken with brussel sprouts, or lamb chop with asparagus instead of Mac & Cheese with truffle fries or chicken Francese with a side of mozzarella sticks. Not so difficult actually, right?

Now let’s talk about that 30%. You can never eat 100% healthy in a restaurant. Because even if you made a smart choice and ordered grilled salmon, it’s very likely that the salmon is farmed instead of wild, for example. Or your grilled chicken is not free ranged, organic. Or that your branzino might still be swimming in olive oil and butter.

Is it worth locking yourself at home for the entire duration of your weight loss journey? For me, personally, it is not worth it. I would rather still go out and just pick the healthiest thing I can, if necessary giving a couple of cooking instructions to my server and still enjoying the company of my friends and family.

Where do you stand when it comes to eating out during a weight loss diet? Please share with me.

Xoxo, Irem

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