Hi, I’m Irem Wlazlo,
If you don’t know me, I am pretty much obsessed with everything related to skincare, wellness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I like to try the newest facials, healthy recipes (but they have to be easy, otherwise I’m out) or a new reformer class in town. That’s in theory though, of course. In reality, you can often find me inhaling a giant burger or getting a little too tipsy at a Happy Hour at a new rooftop bar in Manhattan. Everything in moderation, right? Right! But, one thing that I am definitely very consistent about is with skincare. You will never find me waking up with leftover makeup from the night before (even if I am washing my face at 3:00 am). Got to have priorities 🙂
I live in Bergen County, New Jersey, just 15 minutes to New York, which is the best of both worlds. I am married and have two wonderful twin babies. Well, “babies” is a bit of a stretch at this point since they are already 11 years old, but they will always be my babies.
Ohhh, yes, before I forget, I am also from Istanbul, Turkey. I studied architecture in Florence, Italy and have a Bachelor of Architecture from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. But despite all the heavy lifting I did to graduate, and all the sleepless nights in the design studios, I actually worked as an architect for only a limited time. Nowadays, my idea of a good design doesn’t go much further than a nicely presented dinner plate. And I am very happy about that.