
Dry Brushing, Make It Part of Your Routine!

I won’t lie to you, I owned a dry brush and didn’t use it for years. I still remember the day I bought it. I was strolling in the beauty section of Nordstrom and as soon as I saw it I immediately decided to make dry brushing a part of my pre-shower routine. I knew the benefits already, so I was excited for…I don’t know… for 3 days?!? And then I forgot all about it.

Until like a year ago, when I saw a cute YouTuber talking about it. I wish I remembered her name, but she made the whole routine look so cool, so I decided to give it another try. And here I am today, literally addicted to dry brushing. Everyday BEFORE I shower I spend around 5 min. brushing my whole body. I start from my feet, then arms, my chest and last my belly. You need to use long strokes towards your heart, and when it comes to your belly you need to use a circular motion in clockwise, for lymphatic drainage.

Benefits are so many:

  • It opens your pores
  • Improves blood circulation and REALLY helps to reduce cellulite
  • It exfoliates your skin, getting rid of dead skin cells (hot tip: always dry brush before applying a self tanner, it gives you an even, long lasting tan)
  • It detoxifies your body stimulating the lymphatic system, getting rid of cell waste and toxins

Something I noticed is that my loose skin on my belly is so much tighter now. I am not making this up. 11 years ago I gave birth to twins (oh, by the way I am 5’0″ and weigh around 100 lbs, so I’m pretty tiny). And I gained around 60 lbs on my tiny frame. Needless to say, after the pregnancy I had sooo much loose skin that I had a “mini” tummy tuck surgery. It is “mini” because it only took care of a partial part of my tummy, and it has a shorter incision. It seemed like a right decision at the time, but if I did it again I would have had a full tummy tuck, because I still have a bit of loose skin left. But, that’s another story. A couple of days ago when I was dressing up, my husband jokingly asked me if I had another tummy tuck because my belly was looking so much tighter. When I looked at the mirror I was really impressed about how good my belly looked. And I think dry brushing is the only thing I did differently in the last 12 months or so. It doesn’t happen over night and, like everything else, consistency is the key. But, over time, you will see visible improvement.

Give it a try for at least 3-4 months. Don’t tell me you don’t have time, of course you got 5 mins. And make sure to buy a brush with natural bristle.

Xoxo, Irem (Ps: For more information watch my YouTube video, if you want to fast forward to dry brushing go to 11min50sec of the video.)

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